Last Friday we took our first quiz, I didn't do great, getting only 13 out of 20 questions correct.
The first question I got wrong was question 7; asking what 0100 0100 was in decimal. This one threw me for a loop because I completely forgot that binary started with one so I counted the third digit as 8 rather than 4.
I got number 9 wrong because I confused binary with morse. I was originally going to choose ASCII which was the correct answer until I second guessed my self believing morse was sent in 1's and 0's although it is actually dots and dashes.
Number 10 was a big one that I think most people got wrong and I place all the blame directly on Jack Greenhalgh. Well it's not all his fault but he did write the hex to decimal conversion on the board and it was completely wrong. He had the letters going up to 16 and stopping at F where in fact it only goes to 15 and stops at E. So that means the correct answer is 10.
I got 17 wrong and this was a really hard one so I'm not too surprised I got it wrong. I chose 10 but the correct answer was 16. I don't really understand how it gets to that point though.
Another one I got wrong was 14. I got this wrong because I chose numbers as the answer. I believed that was the answer because what is more important than numbers? Computers are built off of them, but in terms of communication, it makes sense that timing would be the correct answer.
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